Tasks and objectives

The objectives of the Equal Opportunities Officers are, among others:

  • Promotion of an active increase in the proportion of women in all departments and at all levels where women are underrepresented (e.g., more women in management positions at KIT)
  • Improving the compatibility of work, family, and studies, (work-life balance), e.g. parent-child-office (Intranet), child care facilities (Intranet)
  • Balanced gender relations in science and technology (e.g., increasing the proportion of female students in MINT subjects i.e., in mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, and engineering)


The tasks of the Equal Opportunities Officers include, among others:

  • Advice in the case of conflicts, sexual violence, and discrimination, stalking as well as in the case of problems of reconciling work, study and family life
  • Fair career opportunities for women and men (participation in recruitment procedures)
  • Raising awareness of equal opportunities
  • Gender-friendly language
  • Committee functions (KIT Senate, Divisional Council meetings, Search Committees, etc.)


The Equal Opportunities Office was set up to coordinate the various respective tasks and act as a central point of contact. It works on scientific concepts and measures such as:

  • KINT (with particular focus on organizing the children's university and the supervision of children during school vacation and conferences), child care, school child care (educational after-school & holiday children programs)
  • Girls' Day, information days at schools
  • Improving the compatibility of work and family ("University Suitable for Families Audit" project, certificate since 2010)
  • Improving the compatibility of studies and family
  • Care of student parents (e.g., "Studying with a Child")
  • "Safe on Campus" project


Equal Opportunities Statutes for Women and Men at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

The high priority of equal opportunities at KIT is reflected by the "Satzung für Chancengleichheit für Frauen und Männer am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie" (Equal Opportunities Statutes for Women and Men at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) adopted by the KIT Senate in May 2014. These statutes entered into force for all members of KIT in September 2014 and are only available in German.

Gender Monitoring Report 2020

Gender Monitoring Bericht 2020 of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - January 1st, 2020 - December 31, 2020 (only available in German)