Sexualized Violence and Harassment
Internal contact persons
- Dr. Britta Bergfeldt, Equal Opportunities Officers, scientific fields
- Dr. Birgid Langer, Equal Opportunities Officers, scientific fields
- Sabine Grindler, Equal Opportunities Offichers, non-scientific fields
- Elke Krüger, Equal Opportunities Officers, non-scientific fields
- Sarah Wenz, Head of Equal Opportunities Office
- Franka Fockel, Jakob Ostermann - Chancengleichheit AStA-KIT (General Student Committee)
- Psychological Help (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, Mail to: pbs∂
- Hochschulgruppe "queerbeet Karlsruhe e. V.", Mail to: info∂
- Dr. Robin von Both - Male contact person for issues relating to sexual dicrimination, harassment and violence in accordance with §4a Paragraph 1 LHG

Equal Opportunities: KIT-internal events
Days of actionStalking
Internal contact persons
- Dr. Britta Bergfeldt, Equal Opportunities Officer
- Dr. Birgid Langer, Equal Opportunities Officer

Only available on the intranet.
"Hate-Speech" (only in German)
Only available on the intranet.
Overview (only in German)Information and more
"Stalking", means "pursuing" and is in legal sense the willful and repeated (persistent) persecution or harassment of a person, whose physical or mental integrity is threatened or can be damaged directly, indirectly or in the long term.
"Weisser Ring", the only nationwide active victim support organisation in Germany and "Weisser Ring Stiftung" (foundation) have developed a "NO STALK App" which is now available in your app stores.
External counselling centers
- The Violence against women support Hotline - Support and counselling for women
- Empowering women and standing firm against violence (bff - Frauen gegen Gewalt e.V.)
- Polizei Notruf (police emergency call) - Police counselling concerning "stalking"
AG “Sexualized Violence and Harassment”
In this context, the working group "Against sexualized violence and harassment" was set up at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Awareness of this topic is to be raised in all areas and support is to be provided, since everyone bears the duty of care and responsibility for the topic of "sexualized violence". So For example, in the 6th Women's General Assembly (Intranet) of the KIT, the topic "Stalking - Victim Protection from the Police Perspective" was taken up with a guest speaker from the Mannheim Police Headquarters.
Information on campaigns by the working group “Against sexualized violence and harassment” can be found on this website.
In this context, the working group Sexualized Violence and Harassment was established at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The aim is to raise awareness for this topic in all areas and to provide support, since everyone has the duty to care and behave responsibly regarding the topic of sexualized violence. For example, the topic of Stalking - Victim Protection from a Police Perspective was taken up in the 6th Women’s General Assembly (6. Frauenvollversammlung, Intranet, in German only) of KIT together with a guest speaker from the Mannheim Police Headquarters.
At present, the working group Sexualized Violence consists of the scientific equal opportunity officers Dr. Langer and Dr. Bergfeldt, the deputy scientific equal opportunity officers Mrs. Mathes and Dr. Zimina, the head of the office for equal opportunities, Mrs. Sarah Wenz, the contact person for men on the topic of sexualized violence/harassment, Dr. Robin von Both, the equal opportunity officer of the AStA, Mrs. Amal Labbouz as well as students and doctoral students. The working group is also open to other interested persons.
Campaign "Draw a Final Stroke"
With the goals of drawing attention to sexual discrimination and violence at universities in Baden-Württemberg and developing counter and preventive measures, the campaign entitled Draw a Final Stroke (Zieh einen Schlussstrich, in German only) was launched throughout the state.
In May 2020, Minister for Scientific Affairs Theresia Bauer and representatives of the universities of Baden-Württemberg signed the joint resolution entitled Against Sexual Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Violence (Gegen sexualisierte Diskriminierung, sexuelle Belästigung und Gewalt, in German only).
Resolution "Against sexualised discrimination, sexual harassment and violence"

In May 2020, Science Minister Theresia Bauer and representatives of the universities in Baden-Württemberg signed the joint resolution "Against sexualized discrimination, sexual harassment and violence" (press release no. 097/2020, August 12, 2020, Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts -Württemberg). Appropriate measures to protect those affected and for prevention are implemented at every university. The signatories position themselves clearly - also with their statements - against discriminatory and harassing behavior at universities. The joint resolution was drawn up in cooperation between the state conferences of equal opportunities officers and the universities in order to bring the topic even more into the public eye and to set clear signals against sexualized discrimination, sexual harassment and violence. See also: "Draw a line" - State-wide campaign against sexualized discrimination and violence at universities in Baden-Württemberg.
External counselling centers
- The Violence against women suppoert Hotline - Support and counselling for women
- Polizei Notruf (police emergency call)
- "Weißer Ring"
- "frauenhaus & frauenberatungsstelle Karlsruhe"
- "Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen - SkF Stadt- und Landkreis Karlsruhe"
- "Wildwasser&FrauenNotruf - Verein gegen sexuelle Gewalt an Mädchen und Frauen e.V."
- "brücke - Gespräche, Information, Lebensberatung"
- "TelefonSeelsorge Karlsruhe"
- "Konflikthotline Baden-Württemberg e.V. - Beratung bei Konfkliten am Arbeitsplatz" (Mobbing)