Dipl.-Kffr. Elke Krüger
- Equal Opportunities Officer (usually in the non-scientific fields)
- Phone: +49 721 608-28888
- elke krueger ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Call for Election
Dear colleagues,
The election of the Equal Opportunities Officer is an important electoral right that you should exercise, not least to honor those women who long before us fought hard for this democratic right and for women's rights.
Preparations have already begun for the election of the Equal Opportunities Officer for the year 2019.
I, Elke Krüger, am standing for re-election as your Equal Opportunities Officer.
My main concern is...
...the equalization of living conditions and the creation of equal employment opportunities for men and women.
My inner attitude is...
...that fairness, cultural diversity, and an unprejudiced environment are great assets that must be demanded again and again. Sometimes that means being brave.
To me, these values are more than just words. They are my personal life-filled experiences and the basis of my work.
My professional career at KIT
I studied economics at the University of Essen, majoring in energy economics, production and logistics, and special economics - market and competition, and was awarded the degree of Diplom-Kauffrau.
In 1998, I started my career at KIT (formerly FZK) as an organizational developer in the SAP team.
In 2001, my job profile within that service unit changed.
From 2005-2007, I already had the pleasure of representing your interests as part of the equal opportunities team. Many of you know me personally from that time. As a project manager, I developed and successfully established the first women's mentoring program at FZK together with the equal opportunities team.
In 2009, when KIT was established, I moved to the Executive Support Unit to support the change processes and newly emerging structures.
In 2012, based on my experience, I was commissioned by the Executive Board to build a small team to set up the compliance and corruption prevention topics in a compliance management system.
2015 was the right year for me to put the experience I had gained back at your disposal. Since then, I have devoted myself to my duties as Equal Opportunities Officer.
2018, today, I can say by conviction that I am pursuing my path in the sense of equal opportunities and in the sense of your concerns with my mind and heart.
Those women who have already involved me in new appointments and reshuffles, in questions of qualification and questions of professional development know about my target-oriented, professionally and personally competent and successful manner of approaching issues.
Dear colleagues, you can trust that the compatibility of work and family life is a great asset to me, as I know from my own experience as a single mother how important this is for professional development.
I have deepened my knowledge through professional training in legal norms relevant to equal opportunities and through participation in a wide variety of recruitment procedures.
As a KIT Senator entitled to vote, I have represented your interests on a strategic level for one year and again learned a lot. I am also a voting member of KIT’s Equal Opportunities and Diversity Commission.
In the course of the four years of my working as an Equal Opportunities Officer, I have refined and professionalized my expertise for you in many ways.
I am particularly pleased about the trust placed in me by the equal opportunities officers at Baden-Württemberg universities, who have elected me spokeswoman for their working group at state level. In this function, I am the direct point of contact for the ministries on questions of equal opportunities.
Through my dedicated work in internal and external committees and working groups, I have been able to network for you and bring this additional knowledge into my everyday work.
As a volunteer, I regularly visit an Albanian family for cultural exchange and teach them the basics of the German language.
I thank you for your confidence in the last years. I will be pleased to once again bring in my founded knowledge and experience in the next term of office so that you can use your opportunities!
Your Equal Opportunities Officer
Elke Krüger